CompilingImmersaview Using CMake for Mac OS Using Curses CMake (ccmake) |
Crystal Reports, and Crystal Reports for Enterprise are not supported on Apple Mac OS X / macOS. They are Microsoft Windows application client tools only to design reports. For the list of Supported Platforms for Crystal Reports, see the SAP Knowledge Base Article 2859510. You do not want to wear crystals, stones, rings or jewelry when doing certain rituals and spells. When you are working with hexes, curses and binding spells, and/or rituals to evoke entity, spirits or guides, crystals and stones will absorb this energy. Be selective in what spells you use crystals and stones in. How to Crop an Image in Mac OS X with Preview. 50 Games like Brunhilda and the Dark Crystal daily generated comparing over 40 000 video games across all platforms. This list includes Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2, Subliminal Realms: The Masterpiece. 《Notes of Hearts》 is a video game still in development which will be available both on Windows and Mac OS. The core-gameplay combines elements from the JRPG and Dating Simulator genres. The battle-system is turn-based and allows for party-based 3 vs 3 combat scenarios.
Mac OS has a GUI for CMake; however,because there are files that will need to be selected that reside indirectories that are typically hidden, it is better to run the Cursesversion of CMake from the command line. Before beginning usingCMake, make sure that Coin3D is installed and that the QUANTA librarynamed libquanta_32.a isavailable. CMake is a programthat creates make files, or instructions to your compiler, about whereto find files when taking the source code of Immersaview and turning itinto a usable executable.
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Thereare two parts to compiling Immersaview. The first part involves creating a file named libQAvatar.awhichis used to manage remote mouse pointers during a collaborativesession. The second part involves creating the immersaview andimmersaviewserver executables. This example is going toassume that the immersaview ZIP file was uncompressed in /immersaview. As a result, the 'base' immersaview directory is /immersaview/immersaview0.40. Additionally, for this example, all supporting software like QUANTA areassumed to be located in /immersaview/QUANTA-0.4. Finally, it isassumed that CMake was installed in /immersaview/cmakeand to run ccmake (the Curses CMake), it will be necessary to type thefollowing at the command line: /immersaview/cmake/bin/ccmake. The paths given here and throughout this document should change basedon the locations where these and other appropriate files reside. However, to give some frame of reference, the paths already describedwill serve as the example throughout this document.
Creating the Makefiles for libQAvatar.a
The first task that must be completed is specifyingwhere the QAvatar source code and binaries will reside. In orderto use CMake to accomplish this task, it is going to be necessary torun CMake from the command prompt. In general, to run CMake fromthe command line, it isnecessary to change to the directory where the build will occur. In this case, make adirectory named /immersaview/immersaview0.40/build-qavatarand move to that directory. It is not sufficient to then justtype the path to ccmake at the command line because it is necessary togive the relative (or absolute) path to the source directory used forthis build. For this part, the source directory named qavatar-src will be used and shouldbe located in /immersaview/immersaview0.40/qavatar-src. To begin this process, type the following from build-qavatar:
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Purple (nimerra) mac os. CMake appears with not much to see. The firstthing that should be done is to configure the initial CMakefiles by pressing the 'C' key. This will fill the area withmany fields with different names as seen below:
Each field listed here represents a directory or a filename that shouldbe specified in order to have CMake create the proper makefile togenerate libQAvatar.a. There are CMake scripts that attempt to search and find these files anddirectories. If they are successful, then everything will appearas you see above (but that does not mean that the scripts chose thecorrect locations). Usuallythe first time that configuration occurs, all of the fieldsbecome marked with an asterisk '*' regardless of whether or not theyare correct. Typically, whenever there is incomplete, uncertain,or erroneous information for one of these fields, CMake marks thefield with an asterisk. If the information is correct, CMake willremove the asterisk. Typically after configuringCMake for the first time, just about every field is marked with anasterisk unless CMake seemed to have found the appropriate file ordirectory. Even though the asterisk would imply that the fieldmusthave some new information specified, it may not be necessary since notevery field needs to be updated in order to be correct with referenceto CMake. As a result, the fields that must be changed will bedirectly specified in this document; otherwise, it would probably bebest to leave the field as it is. It is possible that additionalfields may cause errors that may be related to one's localconfiguration. For this reason, it is up to the user to determineand correct the source of these errors. To change the informationof a particular field, one needs to move the cursor to the field andpress the Enter or Return key. To delete thefield completely, one can press the key combination Control-K. Afterwards, onecan type the information into the field or copy it into that locationfrom another source. When one is done entering this infomation,press the Enteror Return key.
Now itis time to make the necessary changes to the following fields so thatthe correct information is given to generate the makefile:
QUANTA_INCLUDE_DIR:There is a directory named include that should reside insidethe directory where QUANTA was downloaded. For this example, thisdirectory can be found in the following location: /immersaview/QUANTA-0.4/include.
QUANTA_quanta_LIBRARY: The QUANTA library that must be found isnamed libquanta_32.a. Tohelp keep things organized, when the author compiled QUANTA fromsource, an install directorywas made from the base QUANTA directory. It is in the install directory that libquanta_32.a should exist. If someone installed QUANTA to a different location, then this pathwould probably differ. So, for this example, theabsolute path to the library is: /immersaview/QUANTA-0.4/install/lib/libquanta_32.a.
Once the information has beenentered, it will be necessary to configure CMake again with this newinformation by pressing the 'C' key. As long as theinformation in the specified fields is acceptable to CMake, anyasterisks that may have appeared should now have gone away. If anerror does occur,CMake will place an asterisk to the left of the field'sinformation. In this case, onecan either make the change to the erroneous field(s) or ignore theerror(s). If one desires to fix these problems, simply make theappropriate changes to the erroneous fields and configure CMake againby pressing the 'C' key again. Repeat this process until theerrorstops occurring. Once things are configured as onewould like, press the 'G' key to generate the makefile. Thisshould make theCMake end and return the window to the command line.
Using theMakefiles to Create libQAvatar.a
Since the directorythat one currently resides in is where the Makefile was created, allthat is needed to create libQAvatar.ais to type the following:
make libQAvatar.a
If all of the files and directories were specified correctly, the endresult should involve libQAvatar.a beingpresent in the directory named build-qavatar. For this particular example, the location to this file is /immersaview/immersaview0.40/build-qavatar/libQAvatar.a. Remember the location of this file since it willbe used in the next section.
Creating the Makefiles for immersaview and immersaviewserver
Now itis time to create the binaries named immersaviewand immersaviewserver. Again,:to run CMake fromthe command line, it isnecessary to change to the directory where the build will occur. In this case, make adirectory named /immersaview/immersaview0.40/build-immersaviewand move to that directory. It is not sufficient to then justtype the path to ccmake at the command line because it is necessary togive the relative (or absolute) path to the source directory used forthis build. For this part, the source directory named immersaview-src will be used andshouldbe located in /immersaview/immersaview0.40/immersaview-src. To begin this process, type the following from build-immersaview:
As before, CMake appears with not much to see. The firstthing that should be done is to configure the initial CMakefiles by pressing the 'C' key. One thing that may happen is thatthe GLUT installation may not be found and an error will appear. Simply press the 'E' key to exit this help section. Then one willsee the following:
Recalling the possible GLUT directory error, itseems that there is no field for specifying anything related toGLUT. For this reason, it is necessary to view the more advancedoptions by pressing the 'T' key. Many more fields appear as seenbelow:
There are now multiple 'pages' of fields that can be specified that canbe navigated by pressing the Page Upand Page Down keys. One should also notice that almost every field has an steriskindicating that changes may need to be made in order for CMake togenerate the makefiles. However, keep in mind that it is onlynecessary to change the relevant fields and leave the other fieldsalone. Additionally, one can simply ignore erroneous fieldsas irrelevant. Ifit is uncertain where directories might reside, it isrecommended to take the 'advice' of CMake when it gives hints as towhat specific header file would reside in a given directory. Withthis in mind, do a file search if all else fails and use the file withthe most recent date. The following fieldsshould bechanged: GLUT_INCLUDE_DIR:According to CMake, it is necessary to find the directory that containsglut.h. Since this is something that may not be wellknown, it may be best to search for glut.h. However, sometimes it is just better to ask someone who knows.and theperson who saw what I originally wrote recommended using /System/Library/Frameworks/GLUT.framework/Headers.
INVENTOR_INCLUDE_DIR: It is probablyeasiest to use whatever CMake returns as the location for theCoin3D/Open Inventor include directory. It would also berecommended to install the precompiled binaries from the Coin3D websitefor your particular version of OS X. For this example, simplymake sure that the following is specified: /Library/Frameworks.
INVENTOR_oiv_LIBRARY: Again, whateverCMake returns is probably just fine if Coin3D was formally installed onyour system. Forthis example, make sure that -frameworkInventor is given.
QAvatar_INCLUDE_DIR: Just reusethe source directory that was used to specify the location of qavatar-src. For this example, this directory can be found inthe following location: /immersaview/immersaview0.40/qavatar-src. A late night drive mac os.
QAvatar_LIBRARY: Thisis where that request to remember where libQAvatar.a comesin. This library is going to be located in build-qavatar. For this example, this library can be found in thefollowing location: /immersaview/immersaview0.40/build-qavatar/libQAvatar.a.
QUANTA_INCLUDE_DIR: Usethe same directory that was used when building libquanta_32.a.For this example, this directory can be found in the followinglocation: /immersaview/QUANTA-0.4/include.
QUANTA_quanta_LIBRARY: Use the same directory that was usedwhen building libquanta_32.a.For this example, theabsolute path to the library is: /immersaview/QUANTA-0.4/install/lib/libquanta_32.a.
Once the information has beenentered, configure CMake by pressing the 'C' key again. As longas theinformation in the specified fields is acceptable to CMake, all of thefields should not have any asterisks near them. If an error doesoccur,CMake will put an asterisk by the problematic field. In thiscase, onecan either make the change to the erroneous field(s) or ignore theerror(s). If one desires to fix these problems, simply make theappropriate changes to the erroneous fields and configure CMake againby pressing the 'C' key. Repeat this process until the errorstops occurring.
Once things are configured as onewould like, have CMake generate the appropriate makefiles by pressingthe 'G' key. This should make theCMake disappear and allow the command line to return to the window.
Using theMakefiles to Create immersaview and immersaviewserver
Since the directorythat one currently resides in is where the Makefile was created, allthat is needed to create immersaviewis to type the following:
make immersaview
Similarly, to create immersaviewserver,just type the following:
make immersaviewserver
Both of these executables should now reside in build-immersaview.
Filling the bin Directory
The pieces are now inplace to get things running. Now, it is just necessary to run onemore script that will take care of the remaining things to setup andcleanup. The name of the script to run is called setup, but at this time, setup does not do anything becauseit needs to have executable permissions. As a result, type thefollowing at the command line from /immersaview/immersaview0.40:
chmod755 setup
Run the script bytyping:
Duplicate detective: cleaner 1 99 1.
Now, things should beready to go.
If there are anyquestions or feedback on this document, please send mail Thisdocument was last revised in August 2004.
With the R3 2018 release of the UI for WPF suite we have introduced the brand new Crystal theme. Inspired by MacOS, the Crystal theme delivers the renown Mac OS look and feel to your WPF apps. The team at Apple have been a trend setter with their clean UI and with the Crystal theme you will be able to bring that style to your own apps.
Default Theme Colors
The Crystal Theme is designed to be easily modified via the exposed colors in the theme palette.
The default values of the brushes in the theme are listed below. Please note that as the theme uses a number of gradients, most of the colors have a low and high value which indicates the colors at both stops of the gradient.
Color name | Light | Dark |
AccentHighColor | #FF56A9FD | #FF56A9FD |
AccentLowColor | #FF087EFF | #FF087EFF |
AccentMouseOverHighColor | #FF2590FB | #FF2590FB |
AccentMouseOverLowColor | #FF0072EE | #FF0072EE |
AccentPressedColor | #FF0060CF | #FF0060CF |
AccentFocusedColor | #FF7CB7F9 | #FF7CB7F9 |
AccentSelectedColor | #FF1C83FF | #FF1C83FF |
BasicHighColor | #FFCCCCCC | #FF818181 |
BasicLowColor | #FFA4A3A4 | #FF4F4F4F |
AccentBasicHighColor | #FF2390FD | #FF2390FD |
AccentBasicLowColor | #FF0052E6 | #FF0052E6 |
IconColor | #FF505050 | #FFFFFFFF |
MainHighColor | #FFFFFFFF | #FF686868 |
MainLowColor | #FFF3F3F3 | #FF5F5F5F |
MarkerColor | #FF020202 | #FFFFFFFF |
ValidationColor | #FFD40012 | #FFD40012 |
ComplementaryColor | #FFDEDEDE | #FF252525 |
ComplementaryBasicHighColor | #FFADADAD | #FF646464 |
ComplementaryBasicLowColor | #FF8D8D8D | #FF4D4D4D |
MouseOverHighColor | #FFF3F3F3 | #FF898989 |
MouseOverLowColor | #FFEEEEEE | #FF818181 |
PressedHighColor | #FFDCDCDC | #FF5B5B5B |
PressedLowColor | #FFCDCDCD | #FF4B4B4B |
AlternativeColor | #FFEAEAEA | #FF3A3A3A |
AlternativeBasicColor | #FFD3D3D3 | #FF4D4D4D |
MarkerInvertedColor | #FFFFFFFF | #FFFFFFFF |
PrimaryBackgroundColor | #FFFFFFFF | #FF2C2C2C |
HeaderHighColor | #FFE8E6E6 | #FF5B5B5B |
HeaderLowColor | #FFD4D0D0 | #FF494949 |
ReadOnlyBackgroundColor | #FFFFFFFF | #FF2C2C2C |
ReadOnlyBorderColor | #FFA4A3A4 | #FF4D4D4D |
Figure 1: Theme colors represented in RadOutlookBar
CrystalPalette Properties
Primary Brushes
- PrimaryBackgroundBrush: Used in backgrounds of inputs.
- MainBrush: Used for backgrounds of buttons.
- AlternativeBrush: Used for backgrounds of popups, windows, listboxes etc.
- AlternativeBasicBrush: Used for borders in the cases when several would overlap (in complex grid-structured controls) and is calculated automatically when the BasicBrush is changed by overlaying it on top of the PrimaryBackgroundBrush
- BasicBrush: Used in the majority of the normal state borders.
- ComplementaryBrush: Slightly darker than the alternative in case of collisions. Used for background of footers as well.
- ComplementaryBasicBrush: Used for borders of windows.
- MarkerBrush: Used for the majority of foregrounds which are black.
- MarkerInvertedBrush: Used for interactions states - white in both variations.
- IconBrush: Used for glyph and path icons, which should be 80% of black.
- AccentBrush: Used for backgrounds of radio, repeat, split, toggle buttons, as well as picker control buttons – DatePicker, DateTimePicker, CalculatorPicker, etc.
- AccentBasicBrush: Used for border of the above-mentioned controls, that have AccentBrush for their background.
Interaction State Brushes
- AccentFocusedBrush: Variation of the AccentBrush that is used for the focused states of primary accent elements.
- AccentMouseOverBrush: Variation of the AccentBrush that is used for the hovered states of primary accent elements.
- AccentSelectedBrush: Variation of the AccentBrush that is used for the selected states of primary accent elements.
- AccentPressedBrush: Variation of the AccentBrush that is used for the pressed states of primary accent elements.
- MouseOverBrush: Used in backgrounds for the hovered states of non-accent elements.
- PressedBrush: Used in backgrounds for the pressed states of non-accent elements.
Special Brushes
- HeaderBrush: Used in backgrounds of header elements.
- ValidationBrush: A bright red brush used for indicating validation errors - for the underline of the invalid control and as a background for the error tooltip, background for invalid rows and cells as well as for clear buttons' mouse over states.
Other Properties
- DisabledOpacity: Used for text when they are disabled. Backgrounds usually use the AlternativeBrush when disabled.
- InputOpacity: Used for text in masked input controls and watermark elements.
- ReadOnlyOpacity: Used for text in inputs when they are in a read-only state.
- FocusThickness: The default value is 2, 2, 2, 2. It is used for the thickness of the focus border.
Theme Variation Changing
You can switch between the color palettes by calling the LoadPreset method as shown below:
Example 1: Changing the color variantion of the theme
The Dark variation of the theme is designed with a dark background in mind and it is recommended to use such a background in your application when working with it.
Font Family and Font Size
When using the Crystal theme you can dynamically change the FontSize and FontFamily properties of all components in the application the same way as you do in Windows8, Windows8Touch, Office2013, VisualStudio2013, Office2016, Green, Material and Fluent themes.
The FontSize and FontFamily properties are public so you can easily modify the theme resources at a single point. The most commonly used font size in the theme is with value 13 and can be modified through the CrystalPalette.Palette.FontSize property in the same manner as in the other themes that support a theme palette.
The default font used in the theme is Roboto.
For complex scenarios we strongly recommend setting the FontSize properties only before the application is initialized.
Example 1 shows the default font sizes and families.
Example 2: Default FontSize
Example 2 shows how to change the default FontFamily from 'Roboto' to 'Calibri Italic' and the FontSize from 13 to 14.Example 3: Changing the theme's FontSize and FontFamily
Figure 2: Setting FontSize and FontFamily
The Crystal Theme also uses the Telerik Web UIfont glyphs by default. The RadGlyph provides a lightweight, flexble and design-time-friendly implementation of our glyph font.
You can read more about the RadGlyph in the RadGlyph Overview article and about the range of the font glyphs in the Font Glyphs Overview article.
Set Corner Radius
The Crystal Theme exposes an easy way to modify the corner radius of many elements in your application. You can directly use the corner radius property of the palette. By default the CornerRadius value is 5.
Example 3 shows how to change the default corner radius from 5 to 0. Note that you don't have to explicitly change all 5 corner radius properties as they will inherit the value from the main CornerRadius property.
Example 4: Changing the default corner radius
Figure 3: Apperance of a RadButton control after changing the default corner radius
Material Assist
The MaterialAssist static class comes from the Material theme and it is reused in the Crystal theme. It exposes a set of attached properties and can be used to directly modify the appearance of a specific basic control without the need to alter its control template. Below is a list of the dependency properties which can be set directly in XAML:
- MouseOverBrush: Sets the value of the background Brush applied when the mouse is over the control.
- PressedBrush: Sets the value of the background Brush applied when the control is pressed.
- CheckedBrush: Sets the value of the background Brush applied when the element is in Checked state. It will have effect when used on elements that expose a 'checked' state(ToggleButton, RadListBoxItem, etc.)
- FocusBrush: Sets the value of the background Brush applied when the element is focused.
- ShadowDepth: Enum property that indicates the depth of the shadow effect over the control. There are 5 values that can be selected.
- IsShadowDisabled: The property is used to control the visibility of the shadow effect.
- CornerRadius: Used to set the corner radius of commonly used basic controls that could need corner radius customizations but don't expose such property by default (e.g. Button, RepeatButton, ListBox, RadComboBox, etc.).
Example 6 shows a RadToggleButton control with modified brushes for its different states through the MaterialAssist class:
Example 5: Declare the namespace for the Material components
Example 6: Set RadToggleButton's visual appearance through the MaterialAssist class
Figure 4: Appearance of the RadToggleButton in the different states
Window Buttons Alignment
In accordance to the MacOS design, by default the minimize, maximize, restore and close buttons of the RadWindow controls are displayed on the left of the window's title in the Crystal theme. This can be easily modified via the WindowButtonsAlignment property of the Crystal palette.
Example 7: Changing the WindowButtonsAlignment
Figure 5: Appearance of the RadWindow with the different alignments
Change ScrollBarsMode
By default, the scrollbars in the Crystal theme change their size depending on whether the mouse is currently over them. They are normally smaller in size to take less space and become wider when hovered. Since the R1 2020 SP1, you have the option of setting the ScrollBarsMode property of the Crystal palette in order to control this behavior. It is of type ScrollViewerScrollBarsMode and can be set to one of the following values:
ScrollViewerScrollBarsMode.Auto: The ScrollBars appear as a narrow sliver and expand to normal size on MouseOver. This is the default value.
ScrollViewerScrollBarsMode.Compact: The ScrollBars appear always as a narrow sliver.
ScrollViewerScrollBarsMode.Normal: The ScrollBars appear always with their normal size.
The ScrollViewerScrollBarsMode enumeration of the CrystalPalette can be found under the Telerik.Windows.Controls.Theming namespace.
Figure 6: ScrollBar behavior in Auto, Compact and Normal ScrollBarsMode
Example 8 demonstrates how the ScrollBarsMode property of the palette can be set.
Example 8: Setting the ScrollBarsMode property of the palette to Compact
Changing Opacity
If you need to change the opacity of the disabled and read-only elements, you can now easily do so by using the DisabledOpacity and ReadOnlyOpacity properties of the CrystalPalette. The default values are 0.35 and 0.55 respectively.